Obstetrics and Gynecology

In the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Al Amal Medical Center, our dedicated obstetrician and gynecologist is committed to providing comprehensive care for women at every stage of life. With a focus on promoting women's health and well-being, our experienced specialist provides personalized attention and expertise for each patient.

Obstetrics Services

Prenatal Care

Our obstetrician specializes in prenatal care, providing a healthy and positive pregnancy journey for expectant mothers. We offer regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and personalized care plans to monitor the health of both the mother and the baby.

Labor and Delivery

Our skilled obstetric team will assist you in coordinating the delivery process in collaboration with various hospitals to provide expert care during labor and delivery. We prioritize your comfort and safety, providing a supportive environment for this special moment in your life.

Postpartum Care

After delivery, our obstetrician continues to provide care with postpartum check-ups, lactation support, and guidance on adjusting to the changes that come with motherhood.

Gynecology Services

Routine Examinations

Our gynecologist offers routine examinations to monitor and maintain your reproductive health. Regular screenings and check-ups are essential for early detection and prevention of gynecological conditions.

Family Planning

Our physician provides comprehensive family planning services, including contraceptive counseling, fertility assessments, and support for reproductive health choices.

Menopause Management

For women entering menopause, our gynecologist offers personalized care plans to manage symptoms and provide a smooth transition through this natural stage of life.

Specialized Care

Our Obstetrics and Gynecology Department is equipped to handle a range of women's health issues, from common conditions to specialized care. We prioritize open communication and a patient-centered approach in all aspects of our services.

Meet Our Obstetricians and Gynecologist

Get to know our obstetrician and gynecologist who forms the core of our Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Providing personalized care, our specialist is committed to meeting the needs of woman.

Schedule an Appointment

Take the first step towards optimal women's health by scheduling an appointment with our Obstetrics and Gynecology Department. Contact us to book your consultation or ask any questions you may have about our services.